Worm Jam - September 1-30

What is the Worm Jam?

The Worm Jam is a time to make content compatible with His Majesty the Worm and release third-party material for the game. It runs from September 1 to September 30. My goal with hosting this jam is to help new GMs find and create content to use in their home games of His Majesty the Worm.

Submissions to the jam will be linked to from the game’s website to help promote your work. Participants in the jam are encouraged (but not required) to use the “Adherent of the Worm” logo.

As the creator, I will also be participating in the jam. I will share my progress, talk through the creative process, and microblog my thoughts on game design.

If you participate, I’ll send you a copy of whatever I make for free and I will buy your product. That’s His Majesty’s guarantee!

What can you make?

Make dungeons. Make extra rules. Make alternative rules. Make monsters. Make tools. Make art. Make random generators. As much as possible, I encourage you to make things that other folks can use - assets they can drop into their own game without too much fuss.

You can publish your content for free or sell it (without us taking a cut).

Come join the jam!

Get His Majesty the Worm

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